Let’s cut to the chase. I’ve been holding out on you guys for what feels like a really long time… 29 weeks to be exact! If the t-shirt didn’t give it away for you, I’ll straight talk. We are expecting baby #2 on November 28!
Needless, to say we are beyond ecstatic!

While we are all eagerly awaiting our new arrival, Little Miss E is ready to take on the big sister role ASAP. She sings twinkle, twinkle little star and whispers “Baby, I’m going to be your big sister” to my belly almost every night. It’s enough to make a hormonal mother ugly cry happy tears. Translation to the non-pregnant, that means it is very, very sweet.
There is just one little problem…
Just like with her, we are not finding out the gender until the day of! However, she is adamant it is a girl, or twins. In that case, a boy AND a girl is an acceptable option. Don’t be fooled by the multiple balloons, there are definitely not multiples in there!
We have a daily conversation that goes something like this:
“E, do you think you are going to have a brother or a sister?”
“It could be a brother. [Insert something about why boys are awesome here.]”
“Umm, how about a girl.”
If it is a boy, pray for us! Just kidding, pray for grandma because she’s the one who’s going to have to break the news to her!
In all seriousness, she’ll be a great older sibling regardless of the gender. Whether it is a boy or girl, they will be thoroughly loved by their big sister.

While this announcement is long overdue and not really a surprise to those who see us on a regular basis, we wanted to share the news on the blog before we got back to the grind of regularly posting about our home and life. The last few months have been a lot (mostly a lot of good) and I needed to take a little breather to enjoy my pregnancy and our home. Now I’m ready to get back at it. You can expect more content coming soon!
Also, I want to thank our readers. We previously shared that having another baby wasn’t easy for us on the blog. You showed us sympathy, kindness and love in return. This was not lost on us. Thank you, thank you, thank you! We are happy to share our joy with you now. Your comments, messages and personal stories have stuck with us as we have moved forward.
And then there were four!
Best, Katie
Eva’s dress is from Alice & Ames.
Elisabeth Eden retains all copyright to the photos in this post.