This week I have a huge dose of Christmas cheer for you! Call me Santa Clause, because I’m bringing joy to our householdĀ one garland at a time. Presents coming later.
Decorating for Christmas has been a process, but I am happy to report I have successfully completed one floor! While our upstairs bedrooms and bathrooms, may be business as usual for now, we really got in the spiritĀ on the main floor. In fact, E and myĀ child-at-heart-husband inspiredĀ me to go a bit overboard and a lot outside my comfort zone,
I’ll be sharing our holiday home in a series of posts, starting today with our entry, office and mudroom.

Last year the majority of our home was still a complete mess, so we decorated with almost 100% family-hand-me-downs in the main living area and called it a day. It, ahem, looked very eclectic. However, right before the holidays last year, we purchased this beautiful gold, round mirror from McNeal & Friends. It was begging for a festive wreath.Ā (Sometimes my decor speaks to me. It’s totally normal). I had no choice but to purchase the one above from Eco Chic Boutique.
While IĀ completely changed how we decorated our home this Christmas, this wreath found itself right back in the same place.
Funny story. After completely slacking and not ordering greenery for the outdoors, I came across some decently priced holiday tree’s duringĀ one of our routine trips to Lowe’s. I thanked my lucky, starry-night stars, and purchased a few for the porch. Well, turns out they are Norfolk Island Pines and they don’t do well with temperatures below 35Ā° F! I still live in the frozen north, so this cute, indoor tree will be living in my entry. Look for the others when you tour the upstairs, and please don’t ask aboutĀ my porch decor!

Speaking of warm weather trees, I felt our fiddle leaf fig should get in on the holiday action, so I wrapped it in these twinkle lights from Target. You’ll notice during our holiday tours,Ā that our lights are colored. I’d much prefer white lights, but it is two-against-one, and because I have a generous, holiday spirit I have decided not to use my veto power.
In all seriousness, I decorate for my daughter above personal aesthetics. If left to my own devices, our decor would be minimal and be mostly greenery. In other words, completely different than what you’ll see on these tours. Christmas decor should bring cheer above all things. In my household, cheer happens to mean colored lights.

The one room, however, that is all mine is my office. You’ll notice the decor is deliberate and minimal. While this is an aesthetic preference, it is alsoĀ because the thought of taking apart and putting back together my bookcases gives me a migraine. Decorating for Christmas should be fun, not daunting.

I enjoy decorating, but even I can only commit to going all out in one area of the house. However, subtle touches do make a difference, You really don’t need to go all out to have a festive home. If you have a busy schedule, don’t enjoy decorating, or just prefer minimalism, I recommend picking up two to three holiday items that coordinate with your room or house’s existing color scheme.

It is very important that our mudroom remains functional, so we kept the decor light in here too. While I didn’t want the decor to interfere with our everyday activity, I also didn’t want the room to be overlooked entirely. This isĀ where we enter our home,Ā and I wanted the first impression to be warm, festive and cozy.
It didn’t take much to make an impact. I picked up the ceramic houses from Target’s dollar section, added a red pillow to the bench and used washable chalk marker’s from Michaels to amp up the chalk board. Then, I finished it off with garland.
Hope you enjoyed today’s tour! We’d love to see pictures of your homes too! Tag us on social media @prettydomesticated.
Next, we will show off our main living room’sĀ holiday decor. I’m also working on a series of posts about our basement.
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